Commercial Millwork Packages and Handyman Services
Although METZ Remodeling & Home Improvement is primarily a residental contractor, on occasion we will subcontract from larger companies. By adding other professional craftsmen to our team we completed the following services at The Melting Pot within a very tight deadline for Stabridg Construction:
- Installed blocking before sheetrock
- Installed Millworks package:
- Large (110k) Wainscoting Package
- All Decorative Wood Trim
- 3 Pocket Doors
- Upper and Lower Bar Cabinets
- Granite Bar Countertops
- Granite Wall Countertops
- Wine Cabinets
- Assembled and installed:
- All Booths and Stovetop Tables
- Large Walk-In Refridgerator
- All Kitchen Shelves and Preparation Tables
- Installed bathroom stalls and fixtures
- Unloaded Trucks (lots of heavy equipment)
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Installation of Bathroom Stalls, Fixtures, Slatboard, and Any Type of Door
Dick's Sporting Goods was another outstanding Stabridg Construction job that METZ Remodeling & Home Improvement had the opportunity to work on as a subcontractor. We installed all wood trim, slatboard, door hardware, bathroom stalls and bathroom fixtures.
Click thumbnails to view larger pictures.